Abyssian Journal

Deltarune & Undertale

This page will contain everything related to the indie RPG game Deltarune, its predecessor Undertale and my own Deltarune AU called Anomarune. Headcannons, theories and a lot of $ [DELICIUS KROMER] $ to be expected..

Anomarune (Deltarune AU)

This AU introduces a new Soul-type called Anomaly and the possibility of the Dark Fountains to randomly open portals to much more distant locations of the Light World outside of the Hometown (i.e. different location but still the same Light World) ~ if certain requirements are met. Not all Dark Fountains can spread to remote areas though, only specific ones.

[Anomaly Soul]

One Dark Fountain which would have the ability to spread to more remote areas would be the Cyberworld's Fountain - since it's internet based. If both a Hometown Lightner and Lightner from a different Light World area access the same internet webpage during a fountain's creation / or if the Lightner from a different area accesses the same webpage which a Hometown Lightner already has opened with the Dark Fountain in place, it's possible that another portal can be created to the Cyberworld from that remote location just by accessing that specific webpage.

That's what would happen to "Purple" (Lightner name unknown yet). He would accidentally access a webpage a student from the Hometown's Librarby (either Berdly or Noelle) would already have opened on their PC. Since the PC-room would already be an access point to the Cyberworld at that time, accessing the same webpage would trigger the creation of another (remote) access point to "Purple's" own room.

(Hmmm... while in theory this scenario might be cool there's an issue with it - "Purple" would only be able to access the Dark World after the Cyberworld's Fountain's creation ~ which would be a really short time until Kris and Co. would close it down again and resolve everything.. My idea is that "Purple" would be trapped within the Dark World for a long time, long before Deltarune's plot. With the above scenario, while being cool and all it wouldn't be possible for "Purple" to become part of the Dark World before the creation of Cyberworld's Fountain.)

So there has to be a different way how the portal to the Cyberworld would be created.. Possibly "Purple" could have accidentally opened a portal in his own room but he wouldn't be determined enough to create a Dark Fountain ? (or his Determination would create a different kind of access point to the Dark World) Instead of creating a Dark Fountain "Purple" would open a rift to the Cyberworld - some kind of one-way portal which would suck him inside and close itself right after.

Maybe "Purple" could have been an Anomaly way before entering the Dark World - he could have been an Anomaly even in the Light World but nobody would notice that. With the powers/abilities of an Anomaly "Purple" would create a rift to the Cyberworld only to be trapped there from the moment he would be sucked in. (Yeah, maybe his Determination really wouldn't be strong enough but his strange abilities would allow him to create a temporary rift.)

How exactly "Purple" would open the rift is unknown.. maybe similar to the knife-technique ? or a different object ?

Either way he would open a rift into the Cyberworld and the rift would suck him right in (different from regular access points where Lightners only walk in and fall down). Upon entering the Dark World his body would become Goner-like - with white/grayscale color palette and he would feel cold and fear. It would feel like he would be trapped inside a void of eternal darkness. Those feelings would change the moment he would descend further and suddently land in the a bit brighter Cyberworld.

Confused he would look around and after a moment he would notice lifeforms - some humanoid sellers standing infront of their neon lit shops talking about their wares and trying to sell them to other non-humanoid lifeforms. "Purple" would walk up to them and attempt to talk to them, but without success. It is as if he would be invisible to the shopkeepers - some kind of a ghost. He would then try to approach the non-humanoid lifeforms but with the same result. It is as if he would be invisible to the world he would be in. The only thing he could do would be to take the role of a spectator.

Some time would pass, "Purple" still would be stuck in the position of a spectator - not knowing what to do or even how to return back home. The thought of not being able to interact with the Dark World or to return back home would fill him with fear and desperation. He would look at every corner of the Cyberworld, attempt to talk with every lifeform, but without any solution. After some time "Purple" would resignate and kinda accept this fate - maybe after looking back at his own past he would come to the conclusion that maybe staying as a spectator in the Dark World wouldn't be that bad than continuing his shit life in the Light World where everyone would hate on him and make his life more miserable.

He would return back to the shopping area silently observing the colorful humanoid shopkeepers. "Purple's" interest would shift to a certain white shopkeeper who somehow would be different that the others - maybe even unlucky ? sad ? even relatable to "Purple" ? "Purple" would begin to feel bad for the white shopkeeper. They've said that Spamton was his name ? Poor guy..

The more "Purple" would spectate the shopkeepers the more he would feel bad for the Spammy shopkeeper, even feels some kind of a connection to him. The sight of him sitting upset in the Cyber Grill would somehow make "Purple" upset too. You are just like me, aren't you ? Life seems not to be treating you well either.. (Knowing well that his words would be unheard "Purple" still would feel the need to say those words)

After some time "Purple" would try to come up with ideas/ways how he could possibly help the white shopkeeper - some kind of inner feeling would make him want to help him even though he wouldn't know how. He even would consider the idea of contacting him per phone - (similarly to "Mike") he would use his strange abilities to access his phone and have a talk with him - but he would abandon that idea after a short time since it could seem too invasive. Later he would get another idea for another method which he would accidentally discover with an other Darkner - accessing their dreams during their sleep state. He would try that method on Spamton and... it would work~ He would be able to have a short meeting/conversation with Spamton in his dream and not be too invasive. They would have a nice conversation, Spamton would even vent to him about his situation. "Purple" would patiently listen to him and give his opinions. Somehow the conversation would cheer Spamton up and after the dream he would feel much happier. After their conversation Spamton would thank to the unknown stranger for listening to him and the dream would end.

Spamton would feel much happier and wish that he could meet with that stranger again in his dream - which happened. Both "Purple" and Spamton would have several dream meetings, and with each meeting their bond would become stronger. And that bond would later have as a consequence Spamtons growing ability to begin to see "Purple" more and more during his waking state - i.e. "Purple" would become more visible to him. First Spamton would feel a presence, then he would sometimes swear he could "hear" something and then he would slowly begind to see a sillhouette of a person.. as soon he would recognize the person from his dreams in the Dark World, standing before him, something unexpected would happen...

The entire Cyberworld would disappear into darkness - OR rather - "Purple" would be suddenly surrounded with darkness (again). He would attempt to call out to Spamton but he would neither see him or hear him. Then an unknown voice would begin to speak to "Purple" - amused/impressed by "Purple's" ability to discover a way how to communicate with a Darkner while being an anomaly of the system the unknown entity would give "Purple" the choice to join the Dark World as a Darkner, but for that "Purple" would have to agree to the condition that his Lightner memories would be forgotten/erased? and his body/vessel would change to the one of a Darkner - specifically to a Darkner vessel of the same Darkner entity group with whom he created a bond with ~ i.e. he would get an Addison vessel. (his soul wouldn't change though, he still would continue to be an anomaly). If "Purple" would decline, Spamton's memories of the dream meetings would be erased and he would have to continue to live as a ghost with a "Goner" vessel until someone with enough Determination would free him from the Dark World. The unknown voice would also add that if "Purple" would accept to join the Cyberworld as a Darkner Spamton's memories of the dream meetings still would be forgotten/erased? (because apparently "Purple" gave him some knowledge which he shouldn't have known).

"Purple" would think for a while about that offer but considering his situation, and again thinking back about his shitty life as a Lightner, he eventually would decide to accept his new life as a Darkner. Understood. So the fate lies now in your hands.. The voice would disappear and "Purple" would be brought back to the Cyberworld's shopping area again but this time with the appearance/vessel of a purple Addison. His outer appearance would kinda resemble a mix of his Lightner appearance and a regular Addison appearance.

After the strange meeting with the unknown entity "Purple" would wake up on the floor, surrounded by three concerned Addisons - Pink, Blue and Spamton. He wouldn't remember anything - who he is nor the strange meeting he had with the unknown entity - Nothing. All what "Purple" would know would be of everything that would happen after him waking up on the floor. Spamton wouldn't recognize him either. (not sure if his memories of the dream meetings would be erased though - maybe the unknown entity would just surpress them).

And that's the story how "Purple's" new life as an Addison Darkner would start..

The bond between Purple and Spamton would still exist, even after Purple's transformation to an Addison. Since that moment Spamton would no longer feel like an outcast of the Addison group, well.. maybe he still kinda would, but there would be another Addison who would be maybe as unlucky as him, perhaps even relatable ? A good friend ?

[Why would Gaster allow Purple to join the Dark World anyway and allow him to become an Addison ? Could he be plotting something for a future event ? He would understand that with Purple's involvement Spamton's descend into maddness would be drastically slowed down, why would he allow that to happen ? Maybe he would be planning a role for Purple in the upcoming events too ?]

[Could Purple's involement in Spamton's life slowly change him to a Darkner anomaly too ??]

[Would post-Big Shot Spamton be able to remember everything what had happened between him and Purple before Purple's transformation ? i.e. would he regain his memories back ? Would he be able to see Purple's anomaly-soul and ask Purple about that ?]